


Make a Donation
Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Make a Donation today! Help fund improved curriculum materials, habitats for our animal ambassadors, and improvements to our beautiful building. Every donation is meaningful!
Become a Member
Becoming a member at the Fair Hill Nature Center allows you to support our mission to inspire stewardship and community through environmental education.
Member benefits include:
10% off online store and pavilion rental
Early access to select Nature Center programming and camps
Reciprocal membership to select Nature Centers nationwide
Free entry on weekends (May - September)
Access to members only events
Parking hang tag for FHNC events
For our Donors
Inspiring Impactful Change
Thank you so much for considering a financial gift to support environmental education. We are a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible. Our legal name is Fair Hill Environmental Foundation, Inc. and our tax ID is 52-1667529.
All restricted donations are subject to a 5% administration fee.
Memorial and Honorary Giving
Honor or memorialize someone who has had a special impact on your life.
When you make a Memorial or Honorary Gift in honor of a loved one to Fair Hill Nature Center, an acknowledgement letter will be sent to you and, if you choose, a letter will be sent to the person or family of the individual recognized. Your name and the purpose of the gift will be included in that letter, but not the amount of the gift. All gifts will appear in our annual report. Click below to email our executive director for assistance or more information.
Legacy Giving
A basic provision in your will is the simplest way you can provide for Fair Hill Nature Center. Flexible and revocable, a bequest allows you to make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime.
Sample Bequest Language
I give and bequeath ($____ or [specific asset] or ____ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to Fair Hill Nature Center (Tax ID # 52-1667529), a non-profit charitable organization at 630 Tawes Drive, Elkton, MD 21921, to be used in a manner they determine most critical to their mission to inspire stewardship and community through environmental education.
Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets
An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or other qualified retirement plan offers another very simple planning option that allows donors to bypass the combination of estate and income taxes that could be levied if these funds were passed to heirs.
Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT)
Charitable Remainder Trusts afford a maximum of flexibility and the opportunity to make a generous gift to the Fair Hill Nature Center.
Land or Real Estate
Gifts of real property such as land, a residence, or a farm may be given either outright or with the provision that the donor or spouse continue in residence during their lifetimes.
Gifts Made Through Life Insurance
Over time, relatively small insurance premiums build up large cash values. A donor may receive a charitable tax deduction through such gifts.
For assistance or more information, please email our Director Laura Hannan by clicking the button below.
Donate through your IRA
For those who are 72 or older, any amount up to $100,000 can be distributed tax-free from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) to Fair Hill Nature Center or your other favorite charities. This amount can count toward your required minimum distribution for the year in which the distribution is made. Although these distributions are not deductible as charitable contributions on your income tax return, they impact your taxes because they are not treated as taxable income to you.
* We recommend you consult with your tax advisor to discuss your particular situation including any impact of your state’s tax laws. Some restrictions may apply.
For assistance, please reach out to our Director Laura Hannan, by clicking the box below.
For Our Donors
Inspiring Impactful Change
Thank you so much for considering a financial gift to support environmental education. We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible. Our legal name is Fair Hill Environmental Foundation, Inc.and our tax ID is 52-1667529. All restricted donations are subject to a 5% administration fee.